Wednesday, August 20, 2008

TimmyTom's Log - Day One

Well, it had to happen, I knew that one day I would start up a blog and write about my fantastic cat, TimmyTom. TimmyTom is black domestic shorthaired mog with a flash of white under his chin. I don't really know how old TT is since I got him from a cat sanctuary over 2 years ago and I'm sure they made up half the information about him and Boo, who is supposed to be his sister, but I am more inclined to believe she is his mum. Boo is completely bonkers and could probably do with a course of moggy valium. TT has some weird habits, he miaows incessantly until you put his plate on the floor, and even then it's not enough...TimmyTom will try anything, nothing on my plate is sacred!

The human memory is a funny thing, sometimes it is hard to remember life before TT and Boo, who have improved my life immeasurably. When they first came, I had a little Westie called Snowie, who sadly went to Rainbow Bridge last year. TT got along famously with Snowie, who was at that time 16 years of age; but Boo was very jealous of Snowie and often lashed out at her. Although I would love to have another dog one day, I would never have one with Boo about, I don't think she'd like it.

I will add more to this blog as time passes and I have more things to write about my barmy TT; the holes I have in my chairs and wallpaper from his claws, the pulls to the carpet from Boo and the other strange habits they have. I do enjoy my life with them and I look forward with relish to returning home after work to relax with them.

Are cats supposed to watch TV? Boo loves it! She sits on the edge of my chair and will watch TV for ages. If she hears cats or dogs, you can almost see the little cogs going round "whass that?" as she looks round to see where they are. TT can't be bothered, so long as he has the "hot spot" on my lap - nothing else matters - purrr, snore and pummel.

Aren't the Olympics great? I have to say I wasn't going to watch them since generally I find them boooooorrrrriiiinnng - but hey Team GB have done us proud. I have found myself spurring the team on as the drama unfolds on the TV. The cats look at me as if I have gone potty.